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Aluminium electrolytic capacit
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Aluminium electrolytic capacitor

Release time:2020-09-25 19:08:00  Number of views:

Aluminium electrolytic capacitor (standard type)

Standard  Aluminum  Electrouyic  Capacitor(TR  series)

The supply market of Aluminium electrolytic capacitor in Guangdong is increasingly mature, mainly in Dongguan, Shenzhen and Huizhou. From the overall competition pattern of the industry in recent years, the production of electrolytic capacitor in Huizhou began to shrink and reduce gradually, and Dongguan enterprises and Shenzhen enterprises replaced them. Before 1978, Aluminium electrolytic capacitor was a high-tech product in Guangdong. After more than 30 years of development, Aluminium electrolytic capacitor is no longer a high-tech product for domestic Aluminium electrolytic capacitor manufacturers. From a technical perspective, capacitors produced by some well-known domestic brands can completely replace foreign capacitors.
